Pablo Rodero Masdemont (Male). Bachelor of Science in Forestry Engineering. Working in the biomass sector almost 10 years focused on solid biomass quality. He started working in a biomass trading company where he was responsible of the Quality Dpt. And developed consultancy works: biomass potential, market research, supply studies, international logistic and he was already member of WG2 of committee CEN 335 who developed EN-14961-2. From January 2011 he works in AVEBIOM as a Project Manager for European projects and as Responsible for Spain of the ENplus® certification system. Member of Spanish Committee CTN 303: Sustainable biomass production and Member of Spanish Biofuels Normalization committee CTN 164. He is Co-author of the BIOMASUD® certification system for solid biofuels sustainability and quality assurance. From mid-2015 he is responsible of international relations of AVEBIOM representing the association in AEBIOM and EPC being a member of the Board Directors of AEBIOM and he was VicePresident of EPC until February 2016.