Pablo Rodero Masdemont

Spanish Bioenergy Association (AVEBIOM)

Pablo Rodero Masdemont (Male). Bachelor of Science in Forestry Engineering. Working in the biomass sector almost 10 years focused on solid biomass quality. He started working in a biomass trading company where he was responsible of the Quality Dpt. And developed consultancy works: biomass potential, market research, supply studies, international logistic and he was already member of WG2 of committee CEN 335 who developed EN-14961-2. From January 2011 he works in AVEBIOM as a Project Manager for European projects and as Responsible for Spain of the ENplus® certification system. Member of Spanish Committee CTN 303: Sustainable biomass production and Member of Spanish Biofuels Normalization committee CTN 164. He is Co-author of the BIOMASUD® certification system for solid biofuels sustainability and quality assurance. From mid-2015 he is responsible of international relations of AVEBIOM representing the association in AEBIOM and EPC being a member of the Board Directors of AEBIOM and he was VicePresident of EPC until February 2016.


Κρήτης 13, Νέα Ιωνία, ΤΚ 14231
Τ.: 210 2796459