Dr. Fabrizio Bertolli

Executive Director South East Europe Thoeni Industriebetriebe GMBH

Since 1990, Thoeni has been involved in developing innovative technologies and modern systems engineering for treating waste and generating biogas from organic waste and raw materials. We are offering turnkey ready systems beginning with the project development through counseling and conception, construction up to the initial operation and the after-sales service. These systems are planned and designed in our own engineering division. The construction takes place in our metalworking plant in Landeck. Since we are the manufacturer, we are intimately familiar with every detail of our systems and can therefore be flexible in meeting the specific needs of our customers.

Products & Services
TTV: Thoeni dry digestion Equipment for the anaerobic treatment of organic biomass (Kitchen waste, source separated organic waste)

Naturgas: (Bio-Gas) Plants for anaerobic treatment of energy crops (eg, maize silage, sugarbeet, etc.), agricultural by-products (manure, grass, slurry etc.) and organic waste products from the transforming industries.


Friday 07/04/2017
Biomass Day
Διοργανωτής: Ελληνική Εταιρεία Ανάπτυξης Βιομάζας (ΕΛΕΑΒΙΟΜ) και Κέντρο Ανανεώσιμων Πηγών και Εξοικονόμησης Ενέργειας (ΚΑΠΕ)
10:00  -  17:00


Κρήτης 13, Νέα Ιωνία, ΤΚ 14231
Τ.: 210 2796459
E.: info@shape.com.gr